Group Captain Leonard Cheshire Interview Part 8
Soundtrack for a training film for the Service Corps in the 1970s. In this interview Leonard talks about the importance of involving young people in his work via the Service...
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Soundtrack for a training film for the Service Corps in the 1970s. In this interview Leonard talks about the importance of involving young people in his work via the Service...
Soundtrack for a Service Corps training scheme, recorded in the 1970s. Leonard discusses how state provision for disabled people and attitudes have changed since he began his work in 1948,...
Soundtrack of a film of Leonard Cheshire talking about the philosophy behind a 'Cheshire Home' most likely for a staff training video. Recorded circa 1970. He talks about Norman Whiteley...
Read more about Leonard Cheshire's love of lawn tennis
Group Captain Leonard Cheshire's Remembrance Day sermon at Great St Mary's Church, Cambridge, 11 November 1979. Subtitles are available....
Group Captain Cheshire's speech to Auckland Rotary, 19 May 1980 on 'the meaning of disability'. Subtitles are available....
Exterior shot of the old Le Court building, including the caption " Le Court - The First Cheshire Home 1948-1954"...
Frank Spath, David Farmer - Management Committee and Lord Snowdon.When resident Brian Line was given the Lord Snowdon award for 'It Could Happen to You'...
Frances Hopwood, the co-editor of the Cheshire Smile using an electronic typewriter...
...and fundraising for the early Leonard Cheshire Homes. The video is entirely in black and white and mainly consists of the founder Leonard Cheshire discussing the origins of the homes...