International Day at Le Court
A group of people in a marquee at Le Court as part of International Day 1981...
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A group of people in a marquee at Le Court as part of International Day 1981...
International Day Marquee at Le Court showing Iris Chant with Nina Slater....
Jane Asher opening the Le Court Fete in 1985. Shows Le Court Warden John Regan with Ian Balfour and Secretary Minda Wright...
Neville Thomas with 2 ladies in swimsuits, possibly the Windmill Girls outside Le Court...
The Queen Mother, Bob East and Jimmy Best with Leonard Cheshire at the opening of the new Le Court...
Frank and Martin Edwards in the entrance hall of Le Court during harvest festival...
Brian Line in fancy dress at a party at Le Court...
A view of Le Court Fete visitors witnessing a parachute jump...
A group photograph at International Day 1981 at Le Court, including founder Leonard Cheshire...
Leonard Cheshire laying the foundation stone at Le Court. Also present are Leonard's parents, Professor Geoffrey Cheshire and Primrose, along with his brother, Christopher....