Cheshire Smile International Jan-Mar 1996
Number 7: Editor: Peter Taylor-Whiffen. HM The Queen attends the Foundation's National Conference. Photograph of the first two nurses to work at Le Court. Click on the button below to...
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Number 7: Editor: Peter Taylor-Whiffen. HM The Queen attends the Foundation's National Conference. Photograph of the first two nurses to work at Le Court. Click on the button below to...
Number 8: Editor: Peter Taylor-Whiffen. Articles from Frances Jeram, Peggie Roberts and Mim Ellis on the early days at Le Court. Click on the button below to read this Cheshire...
Interview with Former Chair of first Management Committee at St Bridget's Cheshire Home in West Sussex from 1957, still involved 40 years later in 1996....
A group conversation with five people involved with the setting up of St Bridget's Home from the 1950s. They talk about their impressions of Group Captain Leonard Cheshire....
An oral history recording with Trevor Protheroe, a former gardener and handyman at Le Court Cheshire Home. Trevor discusses the early days at Le Court, and recounts his memories of...
An oral history recording with Biddy Murray, a former volunteer at Mayfield House and Heatherley Cheshire Homes. Subtitles are available. Biddy talks about Dr Ginger Farrell and his wife Pam...
An oral history recording with Carmel Short, a former volunteer at Le Court between 1953-1975 and former Secretary for the Cheshire Foundation from 1968-1977. Subtitles are available. Carmel talks about...
An oral history recording with Peggie and Bill, former care staff at Le Court Cheshire Home. Subtitles are available. Bill was sent to work at Le Court in 1949 by...
An oral history recording with Frances Jeram, former Almoner at Le Court between 1949-1952. Subtitles are available. She talks about how she met and came to work for Leonard Cheshire...
An oral history recording with Frances Hopwood, a former resident at Le Court, and former editor of the Cheshire Smile. Frances discusses living in two Cheshire Homes - Gerrards Cross...